Professional Quality Pool Care Products
Off Season
Take care of your pool all year long
Off season products are designed to care for your pool during the months when your pool is not being used.
Why go through the hassle of closing your pool?
Closing your pool makes maintenance easy during the off months and keeps things under control until you are ready to open it. Closing your pool properly means an easier spring opening that can help save effort, time and money!

Take care of all your pool closing needs

Hibernate® Closing Kits
- Offered in two different sizes, one treats 40 000L and the second treats 80 000L
- Both kits contain Hiber Shock and Hibernate Algaecide
- Convenient winterization guide included, with step-by-step instructions

Hibernate® Deluxe Closing Kit
- Contains one 1L bottle of Hibernate Algecide, two bags of Hiber Shock and one 1L bottle of Hibernate Stain & Scale Inhibitor
- Designed for most in-ground pools
- Specially formulated for winter conditions
- Treats up to 80 000L
For specific winterization needs

Pool Closing Complete™
- Protects your pool in the off season during cooler winter temperatures with anti-corrosion and anti-scale properties
- Adds water line protection
- Saves valuable timing at opening
- Works on all pool types (in-ground, above ground, chlorine, bromine and saltwater)

Hibernate® Premium Antifreeze
- Premium pool protection
- Double action antifreeze, with corrosion inhibitor to protect plumbing and equipment
- Guaranteed burst protection to -45°C (-50°F)

Hibernate® Shock
- Impactful winter shock used to oxidize and clarify through the off season
- Restores water clarity
- Use of product makes pool opening easy
- Ideal for all pool surfaces

Hibernate® Algicide II
- Prevents pool algae growth during off season
- Allows for clear water at spring opening
- No mixing or pre-dissolving needed
- Formulated for use in chlorinated or brominated swimming pools of all surfaces and filter types

Hibernate® Stain & Scale Inhibitor
- Protects pool over winter months
- Controls scale formation on surfaces, piping and equipment
- Prevents stains cause by iron, copper and manganese